Welcome to North America’s largest independent Pick-Up and Drop-Off network

Return Solutions

The Power of the Network

Increase the Return on Your Returns

Reduce the cost of processing your returns by using our independent network.

Save Money

You save money when your customers use PUDOpoint counters for returns. PUDOpoints are set up in existing stores that are local to your customers. Your returns are grouped together with those of other retailers and consolidated into a single pickup. This process saves significantly on shipping costs, compared to traditional mail returns.

Add Convenience

Make your customers happy. Eighty percent of your customers are only minutes away from a PUDOpoint counter. And with PUDO, you can quickly add locations wherever you need them most.

Make it Simple

Customers get a convenient and paperless returns process with drop off points that are minutes away from home or work. Open early, late, weekends and holidays.

No Label = No Problem

Customers don’t need a label to make their return. The customer just has to show the attendant at the PUDOpoint the information on their phone (for example a QR code).

Increase Control

PUDO’s system is inherently flexible, to provide you control. Our API is simple and can be integrated quickly. We follow your business rules while you save with our consolidation network. Once the connection is made, you can add more merchants or more locations as your business expands. Our reports make remote management and control of your returns process easy.

With PUDO as Your Returns Partner, Good Things Happen

Lowering your shipping rates is just the beginning. PUDO can help you lower your operating costs with a menu of responsible returns solutions. We can collect, store and redistribute your goods in an efficient, sustainable, charitable and cost effective way.